This is what it would look like if I could put it together.

I found the list from 2006. The goals in bold are the ones I actually accomplished.
Post almost daily (At least I am realistic)
Post before reading other blogs (an activity that somehow sucks up at least 2 hours of my day)
Manage my money better (this involves 2 things)
Pay attention to where my money goes
Stop spending money on stupid things i.e.-$6+ drinks and fast food
Put money away towards a house/condo/permanent residence –a little anyway
Spend less on rent
Take at least one vacation –Hawaii, and Vegas
Take one road trip –New York to see Whatsername
Go to at least 2 major league baseball stadiums that I have not previously seen
Keep it organized
Buy a file cabinet –a small one but a file cabinet none the less
Study spanish at least once a week
Speak in Spanish to a native speaker for 1 hour once a week
Get my teeth fixed
Exercise 3 times a week
Run the Shamrock Shuffle
Run at least 3 5k races
Make it to Hawaii for That Drunk Girl's Birthday (Didn’t make it for the birthday)
Make love to someone I actually care about –She dumped me a month ago. Woo Hoo ain't life grand
Copy my posts (or type them somewhere else first) before damning them to the internet
Seven out of twenty three. Not even one-third. Better luck next year. I will add the unaccomplished ones to this years list to see if I leave them unaccomplished two years in a row.
Here are some goals for 2007:
Lose 40lbs of fat.
Gain 10lbs. of muscle.
Travel to 1 foreign country (already planned-London)
Make it to
Do things on time.
Be on time for work every day
Buy a house
Find if not buy an investment property
Start a side business.
Fix my teeth.
Go to the Dr.
Treat my depression, hairloss and bladder problem
Be organized.
Buy David and Jen something nice for their wedding.
Be more involved with Becca
Will still try to accomplish these:
Post almost daily (At least I am realistic)
Post before reading other blogs (an activity that somehow sucks up at least 2 hours of my day)
Manage my money better (this involves 2 things)
Pay attention to where my money goes
Stop spending money on stupid things i.e.-$6+ drinks and fast food
Go to at least 2 major league baseball stadiums that I have not previously seen
Study spanish at least once a week
Speak in Spanish to a native speaker for 1 hour once a week
Get my teeth fixed
Exercise 3 times a week
Run the Shamrock Shuffle
Run at least 3 5k races