She was last seen drunk off her ass at the Monte Carlo Hotel trying to leave Diablo's cantina and falling down the stairs. I helped her up the stairs, took a picture with her tried to call her friends from her phone but she couldn't tell me who to call, so I sat her down in a chair, turned around to find Brother and when I turned back she was gone. And no one around had seen where she had gone. Now I would just say a brief prayer that she found her friends and call it a day, but she left me in possesion of her camera. That leads to a dilemma. What the hell do I do with this thing and how do I find her.
I know some of you what say, find her what for? Dude you have a new camera. I don't know why my conscience won't let me think like that, even though my current camera has a broken screen, chews threw batteries like cracker jacks, is one more fall from oblivion, I would still like to return it so if you have any suggestions on how to find a needle in a haystack let me know.
If there are any photos of places that you can identify, place a lost & found ad for the camera in the respective Craigslist.
Otherwise, get your serach Twittered by someone with a huge following
I thought about the craigslist thing but there were no pictures on the camera prior to vegas. The twitter idea is good though I will have to try that.
This is a cool experiment. How long will it take to find your mystery girl...
there's also http://www.ifoundyourcamera.blogspot.com/
could try posting there and on foundmagazine.com
Give the camera to the restaurant or the hotel...she will surely awaken from her stupor at some point and look for it...
If this works, I am totally going to take pictures of hot chicks, post 'em on a blog and get Twitter friends with lots of followers to tweet the hell out of it.
What did I say? I was trying to support your cause. Sheesh!
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