Things really aren't that bad, there are women who like me and want to spend more time with me but I don't pursue them the way I should and don't know why.
What I do know is that I'm angry all the time. Angry at traffic, angry at traffic tickets, angry at people who say LOL out loud. If you are talking you are not laughing so shut the fuck up. Angry at people who want the government to buy their Motrin for them. Angry at the people who text due when they mean do. Angry at my ex-wife who is once again going on vacation with my daughter over Christmas break. Taking her to Italy. And apparently if they don't go during that time frame the trip doesn't happen and my daughter misses the opportunity to travel to one of the most beautiful and historic countries in the world on someone else's dime. So rather than be an asshole and say no I'm the asshole who has to spend Christmas with out the one person on this planet I do not hate.
Yes, I hate people. All people. My loathing of the human race has reached an all time high. I can't stand that as a society we have lost the knowledge of how to treat a fever without a trip to the ER. That every time your child hits it's head hard enough to leave a bump we have to irradiate his/her head in a CT scanner, just so we can sleep better. Yeah, you'll sleep better when your child is getting chemo for brain cancer or is developmentally delayed because you fried his/her damn brain.
And why can't we speak English? I may have to move to Oxford and sweep floors for a living just so I can here people speak the Queen's.
The abbreviations and shortcuts that we have created are destroying us. People wonder if we will end up making androids and machines that will take over the world. We already have. They are called cell phones, computers, DVD player's. When was the last time you read a damn book. When was the last time I finished a book. I have more unfinished books in my house than the average teenager, who throws down the assigned book after two chapters, if not two pages, in search of the Cliff notes or the DVD. Americans used to aspire to be better than the last generation, now we aspire to be lazier. How can I get more, oh yes we still want more, while doing less. Everybody looks for the shortcut. If you learned anything from childhood it should be that shortcuts only get you muddy shoes and ripped jeans.
The shame now is that our kids don't even play outside. They don't run through the neighbor's yard, or climb that tree they aren't supposed to, or play kick the can in the alley. They don't play. Only inside. Only on their computers. And only when they get bored with Facebook and Youtube.
Get your kids off the fucking couch.
1. Dave...i said LOL'd the other day. Please don't hate me!!
2. I'd at least drop a bottle of SoCo at your door to make the stupid holidays (FUCKEM) more bearable, but that might have to wait till next spring. I'll let you know. Maybe I'll come harass you instead of you having to drive all the way to BFE. If you don't still hate 99.999999% of humanity that is. :D
"I may have to move to Oxford and sweep floors for a living just so I can here people speak the Queen's."
Go ahead and hate me, but I hate to point out your brutal misuse of here for hear...but since I'm not a smug angry person, i'll give you the benefit of the doubt that it's a typo.
I think the insult here is that I am a smug angry person and not that I cannot spell.
Yes I do know the difference between here and hear.
There are two things contributing to my error.
1. I tend to post late at night or early in the morning.
2. I never re-read my posts prior to publishing them.
Thanks for stopping by.
you sound normal to me :P everyone hates the world every now and then (or sometimes more). Deal with it and get a hobby.
"Fear and loathing" caught my attention but I was ultimately disappointed.
You should pick up a copy of Fear and Loathing and learn from Hunter S Thompson; the life of hedonism is much more fulfilling than living with fear and loathing.
I also admire your timid observation of the decay of language and interpersonal skills brought about by the spoils of technology.
It's okay to be smug and it's appropriate to be angry but is it really worth it to be unhappy?
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