I am thankful....
that I am finally off work for a couple of days
that I will be able to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family on sunday
that I will be a friend's wedding in 2 days having a great time
for mini-skirts
that my daughter is pretty, smart, and so far is a good kid
that my dad has made it through two surgeries this year. One of them emergent.
for pumpkin pie
that I have become good friends with the Matador. Every one needs a friend who has the exact same sense of humor
for Abo-rama whose smile always makes me do the same
for backless gowns
for every ice cold glass of Southern Comfort and Coke that I have consumed this year
for bartenders who get up early in the morning just so I can have a drink at seven a.m.
that how I met you mother is still on the air
that everyday I go to work I meet at least one intelligent person who helps stave off my fading hope in the rest of society
that I am 6'2"
that I haven't gone blind
that I haven't been arrested yet for tax evasion
that I may have a part-time job that will distract me from that fact that I hate my full-time job
that same part-time job will help me buy a condo
that there are still nice people in the world
that I still have the chance to become one of them again
that farts are still funny
that tony pierce still blogs, and still makes my smile
that tony's blog inspired me to make this list
that you aren't too pissed off that this is so damn long
for women with long legs
that everyday is another chance to take over the world
1 comment:
glad to be of service!
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