A few years ago a friend of mine told me about a dive bar pub crawl he was going on. Ever since I have been considering setting up something similar my self. But today's idea is a neighborhood pub crawl. With actual neighborhood bars. For those of you not in the know there is a big difference between a neighborhood bar and a bar in your neighborhood. If you live in lincoln Park there are hundred's of bars in your neighbor hood but very few if any neighborhood bars.
The criteria for inclusion in the crawl are as follows:
(List is currently incomplete and suggestions are welcome)
1. Within walking distance from the house. For purpose of the crawl 1.5 miles is the current cutoff. We can cab to the furthest point and make our way back bar by bar.
2. Mixed drinks must be less than $5. I am considering lowering that to $4, but this may eliminate some cool places.
3. Must not be on a major street. Exceptions may be applied for.
4. Juke box
5. Bar in current incarnation should be at least 20 years old. May consider lowering this to 10.
I think that is a good start. If you can think of any other requirements for a neighborhood bar let me know.
Driving by this place inspired my idea.

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