I just found this in my files titled, you guessed it Good Dave Bad Dave
It is a IM convo between me and my beloved Whatsername. I wish she would post more. This cracked me up. I know it is dreck but if you read far enough it is funny as shit.
It occurred approximately January of 2006
David says:
$@R@|-| says:
sup hookah
David says:
on the phone with red
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
$@R@|-| says:
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
David says:
$@R@|-| says:
brb makin de bed
David says:
$@R@|-| says:
otay back
You have just sent a Nudge!
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
2 minutes
$@R@|-| says:
I get to watch a show called TittyBangBang
David says:
$@R@|-| says:
it's not pr0n though
David says:
$@R@|-| says:
i think you can watch this show online ill see if i can find it and send you the link
David says:
David says:
not porn whats up with that
$@R@|-| says:
its comedy!
David says:
did I send you the link for "The internet is for porn" or did you send it to me
$@R@|-| says:
you sent it to me
$@R@|-| says:
i dont forward stuff
David says:
it is characters from a fantasy game singing
David says:
I cant remember where I found it but it is hilarious
David says:
tony has a hot pic of Raymi up
David says:
your favorite goddess of the interweb
$@R@|-| says:
its up on three sites. old news yo
$@R@|-| says:
fil had it up then she posted it then tony did
David says:
otay thebn
$@R@|-| says:
$@R@|-| says:
ive seen her boobs almost as many times as ive seen mine
David says:
I have been looking at raymi because of the party they had, but normally I read her once a week
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
you dont look at your boobs daily?
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
And I rarely if ever read fil
$@R@|-| says:
i look many times a day
David says:
David says:
I love your pic
David says:
you're a retard but I love you
David says:
I need to attach that to all my emails
$@R@|-| says:
$@R@|-| says:
you should!
David says:
I may
David says:
can I make a pic my signature
David says:
$@R@|-| says:
im not sure
$@R@|-| says:
that lin kis the show. watch it
David says:
Where did you get that, it won't let me right click and save
David says:
and titty bangbang wont load
$@R@|-| says:
$@R@|-| says:
$@R@|-| says:
see the blue box on the right a little way down?
$@R@|-| says:
the link is there
David says:
It went there but the video wouldn't load I will try this new link
David says:
I just turned down a shift at work
David says:
fuck and I need the money
$@R@|-| says:
you prolly need realplayer
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
but I am going to a free dinner at a great steak house
David says:
and I have plans with smiley after
David says:
and I haven't seen smiley in two weeks
David says:
I didn't get her a xmas present so I should at least keep my date
David says:
David says:
I need the mones
David says:
David says:
David says:
should I cancel and take the shift
David says:
where di you go
$@R@|-| says:
im here im thinking about your dilemma
David says:
otay think
$@R@|-| says:
$@R@|-| says:
i dunno =/ how long till youd have to work?
David says:
David says:
dinner is 6-8:30 so I would have to leave early
David says:
and I was supposed to meet smiley at 9
$@R@|-| says:
might be good to take the shift and plan something really good for smiley later
David says:
If I had seen her this week I wouldnt feel as bad but I havent seen her since Dec 26
$@R@|-| says:
true =/
$@R@|-| says:
i dont know what i would do, probably take the shift so i could afford to treat smiley
$@R@|-| says:
not that you cant but you know what i mean
David says:
I will be able to see her on the weekend but I hate to cancel plans
$@R@|-| says:
i totally understand
David says:
I will be spending borrowed money tonight
David says:
I should take the shift
David says:
half the fun of going to these dinners is the free drinks
David says:
although I hate drinkijng in front of dad
$@R@|-| says:
take the shift dave
David says:
David says:
i don't wanna
$@R@|-| says:
she will understand!
David says:
$@R@|-| says:
she will
David says:
I was in a good mood a few minutes ago
$@R@|-| says:
$@R@|-| says:
youll still get a sweet ass dinner before!
David says:
but I will have to leave early
David says:
and take my car
David says:
which means $10-$20 for parking
David says:
$@R@|-| says:
$@R@|-| says:
i dunno what to tell ya
David says:
I am I an idiot if I dont' take the shift
David says:
fuck I know I should take it
David says:
I am going to take a shower
$@R@|-| says:
ok have a think about it
David says:
have a drink about it
David says:
David says:
s a great idea
$@R@|-| says:
not f youre gonna go to work!
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
$@R@|-| says:
you sew people!
David says:
it's settled then
David says:
pass my drink
David says:
sewing is easy
David says:
remembering to order the right drugs or tests maybe not so much
$@R@|-| says:
bad dave!
David says:
bad dave is sooo good
$@R@|-| says:
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
you like bad dave
David says:
David says:
a lot
David says:
bad dave to the rescue
David says:
bad dave has no guilt
$@R@|-| says:
i think youre gonna be drinking to night hehe
David says:
fuck I gotta buy condoms
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
and change the damn sheets
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
I like smiley
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
sometimes I feel bad that I am seeing these other girls
David says:
it's a good thing only bad dave goes out with them
David says:
$@R@|-| says:
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
good dave stays at home and reads the bible
David says:
$@R@|-| says:
damn you need to take good dave out
David says:
what is that
David says:
good dave would go to work
$@R@|-| says:
its when someone says stuff like you and you bury your face in your hand
$@R@|-| says:
make the gesture youll know what im talking about
David says:
I know
David says:
I haven't made any promises to anyone
David says:
do you think it is okay to date more than one person until you find the one
David says:
I'll take that as a no
$@R@|-| says:
well, as long as youre not a dick about it...and open about it
$@R@|-| says:
i dont see why not just dont lead anyone on
David says:
yeah I don't lie
$@R@|-| says:
wouldnt htink youd be the type to
David says:
I am not the kind of guy who would be all your the one I love you while dating other people
$@R@|-| says:
good on ya
David says:
even bad dave has that much of a conscience
David says:
that is why I could never be a true playa
$@R@|-| says:
bad dave might be bad but hes not a penis
David says:
he has one though
David says:
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
he likes it too
David says:
and he likes that others like it
David says:
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
I gotta shower
David says:
I am an ass
$@R@|-| says:
go warsh yer arse
David says:
I was just asking for more hours yesterday
David says:
and these fall in my lap
David says:
in dec I turned down two shifts
$@R@|-| says:
well depends on how strapped for cash you wanna be this month =/
David says:
one cause I was lazy and one because I hate hte Dr that was on that day
David says:
but I wasn't short hours in Dec
David says:
now I am short
David says:
$@R@|-| says:
you gonna be okay for rent and bills if you dont take this shift?
David says:
I hope this other PA gives up her shift on Thursday
David says:
David says:
fuck omatid
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
David says:
don't say it
$@R@|-| says:
i dunno =/
David says:
bad dave wants a drink
$@R@|-| says:
when did bad dave drin klast
David says:
last tues
David says:
one week
David says:
yay for good dave
David says:
yay for bad dave
David says:
yay for dave
David says:
I wanna drink
David says:
I am an ass
David says:
$@R@|-| says:
ok i know i know i know
David says:
I hate knowing right from wrong
$@R@|-| says:
get a piece of paper
David says:
David says:
I already know what will win
$@R@|-| says:
and put good dave on one side, draw a line down the middle then put bad dave
$@R@|-| says:
list the goods and the bads
David says:
David says:
$@R@|-| says:
if there are more good you take the shift
David says:
good and bad what
$@R@|-| says:
reasons to wrk and reasons to play
$@R@|-| says:
be honest!!!!
David says:
reasons to take the shift
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
the good column is
David says:
David says:
David says:
David says:
David says:
David says:
David says:
David says:
David says:
David says:
David says:
David says:
bad column
David says:
good food
David says:
free drink
David says:
smiley's face
David says:
smiley playing pool
David says:
more drink
$@R@|-| says:
(in a lowcut top)
David says:
which I would have to pay for
David says:
David says:
but I dont think she does
David says:
but it is a nice thought
$@R@|-| says:
well, really...will you make all your bills if you miss this shift?
David says:
I will have to get a pic
David says:
no but I won't make all my bills if I take the shift
David says:
I would need like three shifts
$@R@|-| says:
well what if you skip this one and take every other shift offered from here until the end of the month
David says:
but I dont know how many shifts will come up
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
I am hoping the other PA will give up thurs
$@R@|-| says:
maybe you should try and get your bills paid and play on your next day off
David says:
her mom in law is real sick
$@R@|-| says:
oh oh oh
$@R@|-| says:
let her know that if she needs to go youll definitely take her shift
David says:
that is the problem
David says:
I could tell smiley thurs instead of today but then I may have to work thurs also
$@R@|-| says:
she mightfeel better knowing she is covered
David says:
$@R@|-| says:
when is your next scheduled day off?
David says:
I offered yest
David says:
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
then I work the whole weekend
David says:
but I will be able to see smiley on the weekend cause I only work until 9p
$@R@|-| says:
i thin kyou should go with your gut. really. when you walk out the door seee where you go
David says:
but I have two other womens who want to see me
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
David says:
David says:
you love me
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
David says:
David says:
where do you find these guys
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
are these part of the normal smileys?
$@R@|-| says:
$@R@|-| says:
this guy i know gets a bunch of em and i steal em
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
there is no way MS sanctions p e c ke r boy
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
I like the ronnie one
David says:
David says:
$@R@|-| says:
$@R@|-| says:
DAMMIT i missed CSI miami
David says:
David says:
you need tivo
$@R@|-| says:
no i need aall the seasons on DVD
David says:
my brother and I got it for the folks and it is so cool
David says:
I want it
David says:
it is almost as good
$@R@|-| says:
miami is my favourite by CSI NY is cool...gorier though
David says:
i love TV on DVD
$@R@|-| says:
i also want Scrubs on dvd
David says:
I hate waiting a week to see something
David says:
season 2 is out
$@R@|-| says:
i dont i lik watching tv
David says:
i have only seen 1 or 2 episodes
$@R@|-| says:
scrubs is my new fave
David says:
it's funny
$@R@|-| says:
but i never woulda watched it in the states
David says:
some one at work recently said it is just everbody having sex with everyone else
$@R@|-| says:
$@R@|-| says:
its comic genius
David says:
has it turned it to that
David says:
I didnt' think so
$@R@|-| says:
theres sex but thats not all it is
David says:
I like the episode where the intern thought flashing a guy brought him back to life
$@R@|-| says:
i havent seen that one
David says:
I caught the second half
$@R@|-| says:
i can say that any ep with the one doctor...the um...the oe who gave all the youger doctors nicknames...hes my favourite
David says:
it wont let me copy your profile pic
David says:
send it to me
David says:
The file you attempted to send has been detected as potentially unsafe and was not sent.
David says:
the mean guy
$@R@|-| says:
fucks sake sec
David says:
tall thin
$@R@|-| says:
yes i LOOOVE him
$@R@|-| says:
he cracks me up
David says:
I dont' know his name but he is funny
David says:
I didn't know he gave them nicknames
David says:
I don't see it enoght
David says:
$@R@|-| sends:
$@R@|-| says:
he calls em Newbie and barbie and stuff
Transfer of "retardav.jpg" is complete.
David says:
I gotta get ready one drink coming up
$@R@|-| says:
have a good time
David says:
I am listening to My United States of Whatever
David says:
so you know it is on now
$@R@|-| says:
yeeeeaaaaah! bad dave!
David says:
I gotta shower shave iron a shirt and get condoms before dad shows up
$@R@|-| says:
get going!!!!
$@R@|-| says:
and be careful driving dammit!
David says:
I am driving dad's car down town (that will be after only one drink) after that it is all smiley all the time
$@R@|-| says:
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
I am a good boy
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
I try not to drive after drinking
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
have a drink with me
David says:
we haven't drunk chatted in a long time
$@R@|-| says:
lemme go grab a coke
$@R@|-| says:
i know! omg
David says:
I even have SoCo in the house for the first time in months
$@R@|-| says:
i try not to drink alone anymore i make myself too sick the next day
David says:
just drink one or tow
David says:
wheres nick
$@R@|-| says:
he's sleeping..not feeling well
David says:
$@R@|-| says:
im trying to be quiet
David says:
its like 10 there right
$@R@|-| says:
hafl ten
$@R@|-| says:
half ten*
David says:
yeah sumptin like that
David says:
430 here
$@R@|-| says:
ie 10 30
David says:
i know
$@R@|-| says:
i like half ten better
David says:
im crazy not stupid
David says:
David says:
David says:
ok gonna quick post
David says:
after I pour a drink
$@R@|-| says:
oh shut up! i dunno who i gotta splin stuff to
David says:
bad dave in the house
$@R@|-| says:
bad dave gonna get hurt
David says:
but it hurts so good
David says:
drink is poured time for
$@R@|-| says:
you say that now
David says:
your daily dose of
David says:
$@R@|-| says:
ok go post. get your shit ready
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
thank you
David says:
$@R@|-| says:
$@R@|-| says:
and dont forget to copy/paste
David says:
thank you
$@R@|-| says:
now its time to pee, get a coke and some chockies. back in a mo
David says:
$@R@|-| says:
did you see my new toy?
David says:
you got a vibrator
David says:
$@R@|-| says:
$@R@|-| says:
i wouldnt tell you about that you ass
David says:
i tell you everything
$@R@|-| says:
girls gotta have her secrets
David says:
if I get a new vibrator you are the first person I am telling
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
whether you like it or not
$@R@|-| says:
i think what i got is better than a vibrator though
David says:
red wants to go to an adult toy shop
$@R@|-| says:
$@R@|-| says:
that could be fun
David says:
she has never masturbated
David says:
so she say
$@R@|-| says:
i didnt till i was like 22
David says:
$@R@|-| says:
so shes prolly telling the truth
David says:
I may get her to masturbate at 21
$@R@|-| says:
nnot as easy for a girl we have to go digging
David says:
oh I think she is
David says:
not really the important shit is on the outside
$@R@|-| says:
i was never really interested in that shit anyway when i was growing up
David says:
she says she used to watch porn alot when she was away for college
David says:
how can you watch porn and not masturbazte
David says:
isn't that the point
$@R@|-| says:
easy you just dont
$@R@|-| says:
i dunno
David says:
$@R@|-| says:
im not big on pr0n
David says:
i know
David says:
but Im a guy
$@R@|-| says:
$@R@|-| says:
$@R@|-| says:
you dont say!
David says:
and although I am not into it as much as other guys
David says:
I still think the point is to get turned on and take care of business
$@R@|-| says:
some guys are fuckin freaks
David says:
although other guys will watch it from beginning to end
$@R@|-| says:
$@R@|-| says:
i saw one where the pr0n stars were ailiens..it was dumb as hell
David says:
I watch it until I take care ofd business then I turn it off
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
a digi camera
David says:
David says:
I haven';t been to your site since the weekend
David says:
a new boyfriend
David says:
a shotgun
$@R@|-| says:
$@R@|-| says:
oh you got it first guess
David says:
a pointed bra
$@R@|-| says:
a new cam
David says:
i is smart like that
$@R@|-| says:
Nick bought it for me!!!!
David says:
ooooh oooooh now you can take nudie pics
David says:
of someone else of cours
$@R@|-| says:
i could before but im not gonna
David says:
$@R@|-| says:
he wont let me!
David says:
I don't wanna see
David says:
David says:
I gotta drink with you someday
$@R@|-| says:
no you dont i need to work out
$@R@|-| says:
ooh yes!
$@R@|-| says:
ill be in the staes in march
David says:
and you dont want me to have that image in my head when I am drinking
$@R@|-| says:
ill just punch you in the face
David says:
bad dave might see it
$@R@|-| says:
both of you
David says:
I cant; believe you just said that
$@R@|-| says:
believe it sister
David says:
that's mean
David says:
I would never do anything to you
$@R@|-| says:
i know
David says:
you should know me better than that
$@R@|-| says:
i do!
$@R@|-| says:
im just a biatch
David says:
I might make out with other chicks while you are around
$@R@|-| says:
fine with me
David says:
but I figured you would cheer me on
$@R@|-| says:
ooh ooh
$@R@|-| says:
we could so have a blogger party!
David says:
I will just tell them I am a porn star and you are my camera person
David says:
I think the pants is leaving town
David says:
have you read her recently
$@R@|-| says:
i dont wanna see you anked dave!
$@R@|-| says:
$@R@|-| says:
not recently
David says:
Focus on her
$@R@|-| says:
she seemed really nice but a little wild for me
David says:
but I wouldn't have you actually do it but it would explain why I am with a girl I am not dating
$@R@|-| says:
im your wingman dave
David says:
and it would let her know exactly where I stand
David says:
you got to read her
David says:
she is an escort
David says:
as in
David says:
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
holy fuck a moley
$@R@|-| says:
holy shit i never knew
David says:
I couldn't bellieve it
David says:
just now
$@R@|-| says:
jesus christ
David says:
only for the past week
David says:
she said she is doing it before she leaves town
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
but I don't know where she is going
David says:
fuck I should be posting
David says:
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
$@R@|-| says:
omg its my fault
David says:
buying condoms
$@R@|-| says:
go dave go! ill be here
David says:
even though I prolly wont use them tonight
David says:
$@R@|-| says:
better safe...off with ye!
David says:
oh by the way btw as they say
$@R@|-| says:
i know btw
David says:
drinking on an empty stomach is a bad Idea
$@R@|-| says:
i know
David says:
I know but I apparently dont' cause I didn't think of it
$@R@|-| says:
$@R@|-| says:
BAD dave
David says:
until after I typed out by the way
David says:
cause I am a dork
David says:
who is buzzed after one drink
David says:
which is very unusual for my
David says:
David says:
I poured strong though
$@R@|-| says:
it happens to the best of us
David says:
which is very usual for me
$@R@|-| says:
oh daaaave
David says:
I gotta post and pour another drink
$@R@|-| says:
what am i gonna do with you
David says:
it is so cold in here
David says:
will you warm me up
$@R@|-| says:
go post! sign out of MSN and post
David says:
$@R@|-| says:
soco will wrm you up
David says:
boot to the head
$@R@|-| says:
boot to the arse
David says:
and one for jenny and the wimp
David says:
oooooh i like that
David says:
I am going to be loaded before dad shows up
David says:
thats bad
David says:
bad dave bad
David says:
good ubu
$@R@|-| says:
$@R@|-| says:
go post
David says:
you love me
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
posting about the sexiest girl on the interweb
David says:
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
I love that term but I dont' use it cause I dont' want to steaal from tony
$@R@|-| says:
someday ill get my pic up on tony's site...only ill be dressed
David says:
you gotta show something
David says:
a lttle leg
David says:
back belly
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
fay mow sent me a good dimple pic
David says:
gotta post that right now
$@R@|-| says:
oh was that her the heart?
$@R@|-| says:
$@R@|-| says:
DAVE go post
David says:
i think faymow is a guy
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
but the heart was rescue babe
$@R@|-| says:
$@R@|-| says:
ill tell ya one thing before you go...
$@R@|-| says:
that ethneos and his/her sacral whatever shit...i want to slap their face off
$@R@|-| says:
its annoying. im the oly one whos allowed to be annoying on yur blog
David says:
she posted it on her site too so I guess I could have identified he r but I forgot to ask before i posted so I didn't
David says:
fuck him and his sacral dimples
$@R@|-| says:
prolly better you dont so she doesnt get bad raffic
David says:
I am going to call them ass dimples
$@R@|-| says:
i call em thumbrests
David says:
or thumb rest of the day
David says:
if he doesn't cut it out
$@R@|-| says:
back dimples is ine though
$@R@|-| says:
doo eet!
$@R@|-| says:
ethneos is a fucking dopehead anyway he can fuck off
David says:
red has thumbrests but she is so skinniy I cant feel them in teh dark
$@R@|-| says:
$@R@|-| says:
go post before i hurt you
David says:
her bdy type is like blondie who is an ex girlfriend but blondie was athletic and was toned and firm
David says:
red is kinda soft
David says:
i dont like that as much
$@R@|-| says:
cant be that bad though
David says:
i am so buzze di cnat believe it
$@R@|-| says:
long as she doesnt jiggle everywhere
David says:
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
sex last time was really good
David says:
getting better
David says:
i met this other girl
David says:
will you lose respect for me if I tell you things
$@R@|-| says:
no dave, but i will if youre late again
David says:
fuck it is 5pm
$@R@|-| says:
you can tell me whatever you want im a locked box
David says:
dad is on the phone
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
fuck dad is on schedule so I will have to shower and not post
David says:
I am having another drink though
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
I hope I dont mak an ass of myself
David says:
David says:
I still hate that smiley
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
almost as much as I hat e this one
David says:
I like that guy but it is not me
David says:
$@R@|-| says:
well lets worry about that later. GO WASH YOUR NUTSACK AND IRO YER SIRT
David says:
even this guy looks dorky
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
hehe you said nutsack
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
I am going to plan to go to ireland in 07
David says:
will you come south to see me
$@R@|-| says:
im in northern ireland.
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
$@R@|-| says:
you have to coe north. its better here
David says:
come to Ireland and I will come back to NI with you
David says:
you gotta see dublin
$@R@|-| says:
well see when the time comes
David says:
that means no
David says:
i know better
$@R@|-| says:
Nick says its shit
David says:
becasue he grew up in NI
David says:
they hate each other
David says:
he grew up during the troubles
$@R@|-| says:
and we'll see doesnt mean no! i cant say where the fook ill be in 07!
David says:
my g-mom would roll over in her grave if she knew i was even talking to someone who was even just staying in NI
$@R@|-| says:
shes prolly spinnin right now
David says:
The people in I hate NI more than NI hates I
David says:
that would be funny
$@R@|-| says:
yeah so mor reason for me to NOT go there
David says:
anyway my nutsack awaits
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
not anymore
David says:
the young folk dont' give a shit
David says:
and if you haven't noticed
David says:
you re american, dork
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
they like us
$@R@|-| says:
yeah but im bad and i am gonna coe live here forever
David says:
it is a beautiful country
David says:
both sides
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
and how can you go to any part of Ireland and not stop in dublin
David says:
I gotta go
$@R@|-| says:
by not going to ireland
$@R@|-| says:
dave youre awful!
David says:
NI is still part of Ireland no matter what the fucking politicians say
David says:
I am beautiful
David says:
I am fantastic
$@R@|-| says:
youre awful! and late!
David says:
I am the lover of all things
David says:
I am bad dave
David says:
$@R@|-| says:
$@R@|-| says:
post a pic of your back dimples
David says:
remind me not to hit on the waitress in front of smiley
$@R@|-| says:
i need to go look in on Nick
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
my goal is now to get the number of the waitress at dinner
David says:
unless she is 50 years old
$@R@|-| says:
no its not!
David says:
yes dinner is with dad not smiley
$@R@|-| says:
well then do that but i gota go check on my sweetie
David says:
I am going to get a number at mortons if it xkills me
$@R@|-| says:
and your ass needs warshin
David says:
ok I am nuts right now but
David says:
i poured a drink remember
David says:
I will be good dave tomorrow
David says:
give him a big kiss
David says:
from me
$@R@|-| says:
i will!
$@R@|-| says:
$@R@|-| says:
have a good time
David says:
but it if it is anywhere but on the cheek
David says:
it is from you ok
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
wuv you
$@R@|-| says:
wuv j00
David says:
i forgot about wavy guy
David says:
David says:
David says:
he this is fum
David says:
fun too
$@R@|-| says:
David says:
now that is fum
David says:
David says:
$@R@|-| says:
$@R@|-| says:
do that on the way